Welcome to the second Grit ‘N Wit – Dorian J Murray “D Strong” event!
Here contestants will be tested both mentally and physically! This is a team event, so invite your grittiest and wittiest friends and family and take on 16 physical and mental obstacles!
All registrants will receive a ticket for a soft drink or Boneyard Brew.
IF YOU SIGN UP EARLY, you also get a lot of other benefits including:
- The first 200 participants to sign up receive a T-shirt!
- Prices increase $10 a month starting at $35 in March.
- Plus, the event is capped at 500 participants.
The event is on Saturday, June 8th at Boneyard BBQ in Ashaway, Rhode Island starts at 11 a.m. and concludes at 2 p.m.

Public Event in Ashaway, Rhode Island benefitting DStrong
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